Publications auxquelles l’Aretasc a participé :
Phase III study of Vinflunine plus Gemcitabine versus Paclitaxel plus Gemcitabine in first line treatment of anthracycline pretreated advanced breast cancer
Study Victoria: Abstract Asco 2014
Nanobitic sélectionnée pour presenter les donnes de l’étude de NBTXR3 lors de la 50 ème conférence Asco
Chicago june 2- 2014 poster
Phase II study of cetuximab pemetrexed, cisplatin and concurrent radiotherapie in patients with locally advanced, unresectable stage III, non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Results of the IFCT-0803 trial ;abstract discussion session S405, Asco June 1 – Chicago 2014
Hormonothérapie des cancers du sein. Quoi de neuf ?
Octobre/Novembre 2014
JM Vannetzel, JF Llory, E Sebban.
Second line therapy in elderly patients with advanced no small cell lung cancer
Quoix E, Westeel V, Moreau L.
European Respiratory Journal 2014, 43 : 240-249 2015
Oxaliplatin,fluorouracil and leucovorin with or without cetuximab in patients with resected stage III colon cancer (PETACC-8)
An open label, randomised phase trial.
Taieb J, Tabernero J, Subtil F
Pettac -8 Study investiagtors. Lancet Oncol. 2014 jul ;15(8) :862-73.
Prognostic value of KRAS mutations in stage III colon cancer
Post-hoc analysis of the PETTAC 8 phase III trial dataset.
Blons H, Emile JF, Le Malicot K. Ann Oncol. 2014 ;Dec ;25(12) 2378-85